Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Meeting Minutes for September 29, 2009

The Rogers PTO meeting was called to order at 6:08pm on September 29, 2009 by President Melissa Nix. All in attendance were asked to sign in and the sign-in sheet will be attached to the minutes and kept in the minutes binder.

The minutes from the September 15, 2009 PTO general membership meeting and the minutes from the September 22, 2009 carnival chairperson meeting were handed out by Kim Campbell, reporting secretary. Kim Malcik made a motion to skip reading the minutes and approve them as written, Cathy Bruggman seconded the motion. Kim Campbell will get them to Lynn Wilde and have them posted on the PTO website.

Treasurer, Kim Malcik gave the financial report. The account balance was $9949.19 when the account was turned over. There was $529.07 in outstanding checks, which left the balance at $9420.12.

President, Melissa Nix reported that the Raffle Chairperson is still available for anyone who would like to volunteer. Melissa reported that she had the raffle tickets and the letter to go along with them ready for distribution. Wendy Lesikar volunteered to chair the raffle. Melissa Nix said she would ask if the elementary silent auction booth would be willing to sell raffle tickets for us at the carnival.

Anne Kohring, Corresponding Secretary, passed around a list for everyone to check their information. She also had some prizes for the bingo booth that she got donated.

Jennifer Chervenka, Concession Stand Chairperson reported that Slovacek Sausage will sell us sausage for the wraps for $1.00/lb., in exchange they would like us to display one of their banners for advertising, everyone at the meeting thought this would be ok, but we will have more discussion on that topic for future fundraisers. PFG is donating soda for us to sell. She also contacted Robyn at the cafeteria about serving baked potatoes but has not heard back from her.

Tim New, Bingo Chairperson was unable to attend the meeting but updated Melissa Nix on his progress. Melissa relayed to us that if anyone was able to get donations for bingo, please do so and let him know. He did get 2 bicycles donated by the Belton Wal-Mart and Lori Matthews Elliot volunteered to pick them up for Tim.

Melinda Stojanek, Costume Contest Chairperson, reported that everything was in place for that contest.

By-Laws were discussed, Melissa Nix had a preliminary set of by-laws that she passed out to everyone in attendance at the meeting. Articles I, II and III were approved by a general membership vote. Kim Malcik made the motion to table approving the rest of the minutes until the next meeting as this was making the meeting very long. Kristen Parker seconded the motion and the motion passed.

A teacher questionnaire was made up by Melissa Nix asking for opinions on what was needed and wanted by the teachers and staff from the PTO. Cathy Bruggman, Vice-President said she would get them distributed to the Elementary and Carol Whitley will get them to Middle School and High School.

We have several fundraising projects that we are planning to start. Anne Kohring made the motion to try and do the Bumblebee fundraiser to promote school spirit and Kim Malcik seconded the motion and the motion passed. Cathy Bruggman will check with Mr. Callaghan to see if this is possible for us to move forward with it. Wendy Lesikar said she would check with her mom to see if she could make a bumblebee for us. Kim Malcik made the motion to start making necklaces to sell for a fundraiser, Melinda Stojanek seconded the motion and it passed. Jennifer Chervenka made motion to sell them for $5.00 each, Debbie Mucha seconded the motion, motion passed. Melissa Nix said that she was able to get some A+ cards for us to sell and Wendy Lesikar made the motion to sell the A+ cards, Kim Malcik seconded, motion passed.

Teacher appreciation ideas were discussed, it was reported by Kim Campbell and Anne Kohring that the candy bags that were handed out seemed very appreciated by the teachers and staff. The motion was made by Anne Kohring and seconded by Cathy Bruggman to pass out order forms for Subway sandwiches for the teachers and staff to order and pay for and the PTO would go and pick them up and deliver them, the motion passed. Debbie Mucha, Melinda Stojanek, Anne Kohring and Cathy Bruggman all volunteered to make this happen.

The previous PTO officers had promised to buy the Elementary a new laminator and we will honor this as well as some scholarships that still need to be paid out for the 2008-2009 school year.

Cathy Bruggman discussed a grant opportunity from Heart of Texas Electric Coop that the PTO could apply for. However, like almost all grants, we must have a 501c non-profit status. Scott Nix will contact Drew Popelka, CPA/Attorney, to see if he can advise us on this matter.

The meeting was adjourned by President Melissa Nix at 7:56 pm.

Minutes recorded by Kim Campbell, Recording Secretary.

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