Friday, October 15, 2010

Meeting Minutes for October 12, 2010

** Pending approval at next meeting **

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Melissa Nix. The agenda and the minutes from the previous meeting were passed out for everyone to review and keep. A motion was made by Jennifer Thompson to approve the minutes as written, Denise Davis 2nd the motion and the motion passed. Kim Malcik, treasurer, was not in attendance but sent the treasurer’s report which stated the current balance in the account as $3340.75.

Cookbook Update – Discussion was tabled due to Lindsey Schiller, cookbook chair, not being in attendance. Jennifer Thompson did state that they sold approximately 20 cookbooks at the previous home football game. Chris Halpayne, high school principal, stated that the high school was having an open house on October 14th at 6:00pm in the Carol Ann Bonds building and we could set up a table there as well.

Membership Update – Cherryl Rice said the membership drive contest ended on September 17th, 2010 and that Mr. Davis’ 3rd grade class won at the elementary school and Mr. Wilde’s class won in middle school.

Fall Festival Booth Updates:

Haunted House - Drama teacher (Phillip Taylor) said that they would definitely have the haunted house.

Advertising – Teresa Andel resigned from taking care of this as well as checking the mail at the campuses. Stephanie Cummings said she would take over the advertising for the carnival and Jennifer Lazarow will take care of advertising in the Buckholts and Cameron area. Jennifer Thompson will be checking the PTO mailboxes at all the campuses.

Raffle– Jennifer Thompson stated that we have collected $639.00 to date.

Silent Auction – Elementary is having a themed basket silent auction for each grade level and some other items as well. PTO will also have some items in the silent auction.

Festival Timeline and Booths - Melissa Nix passed out a schedule for the festival and also a list of the current booths for the festival.

Booth Building/Take-Down – Melissa Nix stated that Bob Green would be here on Saturday morning to do the electricity for the booths. She also stated that anyone able to be there on Saturday at 9:00 am to construct the booths would be greatly appreciated.

Teacher Surveys – Melissa Nix passed out some results from the survey that was sent to the teachers requesting some of their needs and wish lists items that the PTO could possibly help with. Several items were discussed and Cherryl Rice said she would look into ways we could help the library get more books and Jennifer Lazarow will look into possibly starting a recycling drive.

PTO T-Shirts – This was tabled, we will look into this more next year.

Donated Computers – Melissa Nix stated that a bank in Temple donated several computers to the PTO and we need to find a way to get them to distributed. Steve Davis said he would like to have one in his classroom for his kids to use and will check with the Computer Technician at the school to see if that was ok to do. Denise Davis made a motion to put one of the computers in the silent auction, Jennifer Lazarow 2nd the motion and the motion passed. A committee was formed to decide what to do with the computers if the school could not use them. The committee consists of Stephanie Cummings, Melissa Nix, Cheryl Nance-Bowley and Cherryl Rice.

Election of New Vice-President – Melissa Nix nominated Jennifer Thompson, Stephanie Cummings 2nd the nomination and Jennifer Thompson was elected as the PTO Vice-President.

The next Festival Planning meeting if needed will be on October 19th, 2010, at 6:00pm in the Carol Ann Bonds Multipurpose building.

The next PTO meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 9th at 6:00pm in the Carol Ann Bonds Multipurpose building.

Jennifer Thompson made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Stephanie Cummings 2nd the motion and the motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm by Melissa Nix, president.