Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Meeting Minutes for January 11, 2011

** Pending approval at next meeting **

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 by Melissa Nix. The agenda and minutes from the November 9 meeting were passed out for everyone to review and keep. A motion to pass the minutes was made by Jennifer Thompson. Melissa Nix 2nd the motion, and the motion passed.

Kim Malcik, treasurer passed out a financial report for everyone to review and keep for their records. She also stated that the balance is $9,122.46.
A copy of the school wish lists was passed out for everyone to review.

Christmas Shoppe report- Kim Campbell motioned that we no longer use the penguin patch for our Christmas shoppe, since the majority of the money made goes back to them. Instead, purchasing our own inventory to sell at the shoppe would provide higher quality items for the shoppe and 100 percent of the funds raised could be put back into the school. Melissa Nix 2nd the motion, and the motion passed.

Recess snack shop- this was tabled until Cheryn Rice returns

Wish lists- Jennifer Thompson motioned that the elementary budgeted items on the list be approved, including 4 pencil sharpeners for the 4 teachers who requested them, backjack floor chairs for the library, an elmo for Mrs. Smitherman, and a bookshelf and radio with headphones for Mrs. Patzke. This leaves $600 additional to spend for elementary requests. Ann Kohring 2nd the motion, and the motion passed.

Ann Kohring made a motion to pass the middle school budgeted items to include 15 clickers, and an elmo for Mrs. Smith. Anne Ray 2nd, and the motion passed.

Melissa Nix motioned to approve the High School budget to include 5 mobi units, and repair triple beam balances. Also included are color expo markers. Jennifer Thompson 2nd and the motion passed. Scholarships and research database will be contingent on the spring fund raiser. Carol Whitley will check on the research database subscription to see if the district already has one, and what the needs are. She will also give the "wanted list" to Lynne Wilde to post on the web site.

Spring fund raiser- Anne Ray will chair this. After discussion, it was decided that there will be a spaghetti supper on March 4th from 4-8 pm, and garage sale from 5-9. Tables for garage sale will be sold to the public in advance. The sale will be re-opened the following morning.

Cookbook update- Jennifer Thompson will schedule a date to sell cookbooks at Lowes in early April, and organize workers. She will contact Amy Erskine about selling baseball/softball necklaces at this event.

Field day T-shirts- Kim Malcik and Kim Campbell will chair this.

PO Box- Kim Malcik motioned that we open a PO Box, and Jennifer Thompson 2nd. The motion passed.

Grant- Lowes toolbox for education- Melissa Nix stated that she is working on a grant from Lowes to fund an outside classroom with outdoor water fountains for the elementary campus. She will turn it in by February 18th.

Vacated secretary position- this was tabled until the next meeting.

Jennifer Thompson will check with the administration to see if we could possibly have concessions at the high school softball or baseball games.

Kim Malcik motioned to move the February meeting to the 1st, since the 8th is during the Bell Co youth fair and livestock show. Jennifer Thompson 2nd and the motion passed.

Melissa Nix motioned to adjourn the meeting, Kim Malcik 2nd and the motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm by Melissa Nix, president.