Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Meeting Minutes for September 22, 2009 - Carnival Chairperson Meeting

The Rogers PTO meeting for the carnival chairpersons was called to order at 6:30 pm by president, Melissa Nix. All attendants were ask to sign in and the sign-in sheet is attached to the minutes.

First item of business discussed was the raffle, Heather Webster was not present at the meeting and we were unable to contact her. Anne Kohring stated that she received a donation of a 32in flat screen TV, digital camera and portable DVD player for the raffle. It was decided that the PTO would purchase an IPOD Touch to go in the raffle as well. Wendy Lesikar volunteered to go to Best Buy to see if they would donate one and if not Cherryl Rice said she could purchase it for us at the PX on Fort Hood which would save us some money. The cost of the tickets will be $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. We will draw for the prizes at the multipurpose building at 8:30pm on the night of the carnival. The top selling class in Elementary will receive $50.00 to have a class party of their choice. There will be a $25.00 cash prize for the top seller in Middle School and in High School. Melissa Nix will print up the tickets and get them ready to sell. Kim Campbell will check to see if we can borrow the hopper from Seaton Star Hall to use for the raffle.

Lindsey Schiller was present and gave a report on the progress of the concession stand for the carnival menu items and prices will be as follows: Nachos, Frito Pie - $2.00, Drinks, Pizza, Frozen Icees - $1.00, Sausage Wraps - $1.50, Pickles - $0.50, Candy – $0.25. Kim Campbell suggested having baked potatoes since we have cheese and chili for the other items. Lindsey will check with Robyn at the cafeteria and see if that is a possibility. Robyn will have LaVerne Marshall work in the cafeteria with us for $10.00 per hour and she will set up the cleaning crew for us as well, it will take 2 people at $10.00 per hour for about 3 hours.

Tim New is the chairperson for bingo and is in the process of getting items for it. We will check the storage closet on the stage of the multipurpose building to see if the bingo cards are there.

Melinda Stojanek said she would do the costume contest at 6:00pm and we would see if we could do it in the commons area of the high school gym. It will be broken down by age group as follows: 0-4, 5-8 and 9-12. We will give 1st and 2nd place prizes of $10.00 and $5.00 respectively. Melinda will take care of the sinage and Melissa Nix will send out a flyer.

Cherryl Rice, membership chair, stated we had approximately 20 members sign up so far. She is going to have a table at the High School Open House on September 24th. We will have a drawing for a chance to win a $10.00 gas card for those who sign up that night.

Melissa will check with the high school to see if we can put anything on the marquee at the school and will also ask if there can be a sign up sheet for any students that would volunteer to help set up everything on the Saturday morning of the carnival.

Melissa will also check with Tammy Pechal to see where all the decorations for the carnival are located.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm.

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