Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Meeting Minutes for November 10, 2009

** Pending Approval at next meeting **

The meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm by President Melissa Nix. All in attendance were asked to sign in and the sign-in sheet will be attached to the minutes and kept in the minutes binder. The minutes and agenda were passed out for everyone to review and keep. Cathy Bruggman made the motion to approve the minutes, Melissa Nix 2nd the motion, the motion passed.

Faculty/Staff Luncheon for January 4th Teacher/Staff Inservice Day - Melissa Nix stated that she called Kostroun Catering to check on prices for this but they have not returned her call. It was discussed that it would be very expensive to have it catered and that maybe we should so it ourselves by asking volunteers to make Soup and the PTO could do the salad, bread and desserts. Teresa Andel made the motion to do the soup, salad and bread, Anne Kohring 2nd the motion, the motion passed. Lindsey Schiller made the motion to bake brownies, Cherryl Rice 2nd the motion, the motion passed.

By-Law Amendments – Article VII, this was amended by more than a 2/3 vote by the general membership to have treasurer reports at all general membership meetings, so as they are not required monthly due to us not meeting in December, June, July and August.

Teresa Andel made the motion to have the recording secretary produce the minutes within 2 weeks of the meeting date, Cherryl Rice 2nd, motion passed. Kim Campbell stated that if we do this we will have to amend the by-laws. The motion was made to amend Article V of the by-laws by Teresa Andel, Melissa Nix 2nd , motion passed by more than a 2/3 vote of the general membership to have the recording secretary get the minutes distributed within 2 weeks(14 days) of the meeting date so that they can be posted pending approval on the PTO Blog for all to read before the next meeting.

It was decided that buying apples from the FFA for the treat jars for the teachers and staff would not be a good idea due to the fact there is so much food around the week before school releases for Christmas. Anne Kohring suggested we do cider mix and hot chocolate mix instead. The motion was made by Cathy Bruggman to place cider mix and hot chocolate mix in the large treat jars for the teachers and staff for Christmas time, Wendy Lesikar 2nd and the motion passed. Wendy Lesikar said she would check the prices at PFG and email us her results. The motion was made by Melissa Nix to buy coffee urns to have the hot water available for the mixes for each campus, Anne Kohring 2nd , and the motion passed. Teresa Andel checked on prices and informed us that they would cost about a dollar a cup, so a 30 cup urn would be about 30 dollars.

Christmas Shoppe Fundraiser – Cathy Bruggman explained this fundraiser to everyone. She stated that if we decided to do this fundraiser that we would do it December 7th – 11th. She explained that we set our own prices and that Mr. Layne said we could use the elementary library to conduct this fundraiser. Cathy Bruggman made the motion to have the fundraiser, Wendy Lesikar 2nd , the motion passed. Cathy Bruggman will be the chairperson for this fundraiser and will get a committee together for it, they will have a committee meeting on December 1st, time and site to be determined. Cathy also stated that we would receive $300.00 in free merchandise from the company. It was decided we would ask the teachers to give behavior bonuses worth $0.50 to kids so that every child would have a chance to participate in this fundraiser. Teresa Andel will make the Behavior Bonus Certificates and email them to Melissa Nix so that she can copy them for distribution.

Cathy Bruggman stated that the PTO could not do the Snack Bar for the Elementary UIL meet on December 8th because the elementary school does this as a fundraiser for their activity account.

Fundraising Ideas – we discussed ideas for these, the ideas and decisions are listed as as follows:

  • Melissa Nix suggested Spring Fling, Field Day T-Shirt Sales, Bingo/Bunko Nights, Bake Sales, nothing decided.

  • Anne Kohring suggested publishing a cookbook and selling them. Kim Malcik made motion to do these, Melissa Nix 2nd, motion passed. Melissa Nix will head up committee for this.

  • Teresa Andel suggested doing something at the Christmas Band Concert. Cathy Bruggman will check with Band Boosters to see if they are doing anything before we decide.

  • Kim Campbell, Kim Malcik, & Cathy Bruggman suggested doing something at the elementary Christmas choir program. Cathy Bruggman will check with the music teacher at elementary to see if that is a possibility. It was suggested by Kim Campbell that maybe we use this as an opportunity to have a short meeting and membership drive. We will await more info from Cathy Bruggman to make a decision on this.

  • Cherryl Rice suggested doing a Breakfast with Santa fundraiser, nothing decided.

  • Kim Malcik suggested doing a Movie Night on the 7 on 7 field, nothing decided.

  • Kim Campbell suggested renting out the Dunking Booth to others, Melissa Nix stated that it needs work before we could do that. It was decided we would table this until we knew what needed to be done with it. Kyle Kacir will look at it and let us know what we need to do to fix it or if that is even a possibility.

We will work on finalizing the ideas that were left undecided at the January meeting.

Service Goals for Spring Semester – we discussed ideas for this, the ideas and decisions are listed as follows:

  • Cherryl Rice suggested having Reading under the Stars Night and a Math Night, nothing decided.

  • Melissa Nix suggested having motivational speakers come in to talk to the kids. Cathy Bruggman mentioned the Jail Ministry doing something like this. Melissa Nix said she would check with Texas Youth Commission and Wendy Lesikar said she would check with the Bartlett State Jail because she knew someone who worked there. They will let us know what they find out. Everyone at the meeting also agreed to see if they could find out any other people who do motivational speaking.

  • Kim Campbell suggested trying to get the school adopted by a US Army unit because they will come in and do tutoring and mentoring for the students. Cherryl Rice said she would get her husband Ken Rice to check on this for us since he worked at Fort Hood.

  • Kim Campbell also suggested doing something for the students either before, during or after the TAKS test. It was suggested by Cherryl Rice to maybe do a different theme for each day of the test, for ex: Sock it to the TAKS by wearing crazy socks. Kim Campbell suggested maybe doing a TAKS Pep Rally. It was decided we would check with the teachers to see what they would suggest. This will be discussed more at the January meeting.

  • Melissa Nix suggested purchasing the CPS(Classroom Performance System) for the middle school and high school to share. Genie Allison and Carol Whitley said they would love to have this for the middle school. Melissa Nix explained the system and said the cost of it is $2695.00 and we could buy an extra transmitter for $250.00, thus allowing 2 classrooms at a time to be able to use it. Although everyone was in agreement to do this we did not vote on it. Kim Malcik suggested that we ask if we can buy extra clickers because it only comes with 30 and that is not enough to split between 2 classrooms, as the number of students in each room usually exceeds 15. Cathy Bruggman suggested that we see if some businesses in Rogers would agree to do a matching donation to purchase this system. Anne Kohring said she would check with Cefco because she knew the owner. This will be discussed more at the January meeting.

  • Kim Malcik suggested we do something to promote AR(Accelerated Reading) such as a fun trip for the middle school and an AR store for the elementary. She said she would check with the middle school AR teachers and Mrs. Brown in the elementary to see what they would like for the kids to do. This will be discussed more at the January meeting.

Melissa Nix asked on behalf of the executive board if we could adjust the amount of the spending approval for the executive board without a general membership vote from $200.00 to $400.00. It was decided to table this until we have a formal budget drafted.

Melissa Nix made motion to have all PTO meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm in the Multipurpose Building that meetings are required by the by-laws. Genie Allison 2nd the motion, the motion passed. The next general membership meeting will be on Tuesday, January 12th, 2010 at 6:00 pm in the Multipurpose Building.

The meeting was adjourned by President Melissa Nix at 8:30 PM.

1 comment:

  1. These minutes were approved as posted on January 12, 2010 at the January PTO meeting.
