Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Meeting Minutes for February 2, 2010

** Pending Approval at next meeting **

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm by Melissa Nix. All in attendance were asked to sign in and the sign-in sheet will be attached to the minutes and kept in the minutes binder. The agenda was passed out for everyone to review and keep. Melissa Nix made the motion to approve the minutes as written and posted on the PTO Blog, Anne Kohring 2nd the motion, the motion passed. Kim Malcik, treasurer, presented a copy of the treasurer’s report, it was reviewed by everyone. Current balance in the account is $10,819.33.

Jennifer Chervenka volunteered to be the chairperson to take care of goodie bags and snacks in the lounge for any teacher/staff appreciation functions that we may have.

Budget update – Melissa Nix stated that she purchased the bookshelves and CD/Tape Players that the elementary requested. She also stated that Mrs. Dodd would get a list of die cuts to us that she would like and we will purchase those as well. Mrs. Hudson requested a bean bag for her counseling office and Kim Campbell volunteered to go and buy one from the PTO. The GT program requested help from the PTO for GT field trips and it was decided that we are focusing on classroom manipulatives at this time. Mr. Layne has requested $500.00 for next year’s AR and was unable to be at the meeting to explain the need for this. Melissa Nix made motion to table this request until we could get more clarification on this from Mr. Layne, Kim Campbell 2nd the motion and the motion passed. Middle School requested a triple balance beam for the science lab and some electric pencil sharpeners. Jennifer Chervenka made motion to give $500.00 to Middle School to help purchase these items, Anne Kohring 2nd the motion and the motion passed. Kim Malcik will contact the Middle School to let them know.

Subway Teacher/Staff Lunches – Debbie Mucha, chairperson, requested some help with getting the orders separated and delivered on Friday, Feb. 5th. Cathy Bruggman said she would find someone to help.

Cookbook Update – It was decided to extend the time period for submitting recipes to Feb. 12th. Cathy Bruggman will do a flyer about this and have it ready to send out tomorrow(Wednesday, Feb. 3rd, 2010) with the elementary kids. Kim Malcik made the motion to give away a cookbook and a $25.00 HEB gift card, Jennifer Chervenka 2nd this motion and the motion passed. To be eligible to win one of the above mentioned items, you will get your name in a drawing 1 time for submitting 5 recipes, 2 times for 10 recipes and so forth. Cathy Bruggman will print this information in the flyer as well.

Scholarship Application Form – Jennifer Chervenka and Sandra Haisler developed this application. Jennifer passed out the application for everyone to review. It was decided that the GPA requirements would be omitted and it could be both handwritten or typed. It was also added that the parent or guardian of the applicant must be a paid member of the PTO in order to be eligible for the scholarship. Melissa Nix will be the contact person for the scholarship. The scholarship application was approved and Jennifer Chervenka will type the final draft and deliver copies to Mrs. Ellis at school and email one to Teresa Andel to post on the PTO Blog.

Kim Malcik stated that she didn’t think that the PTO Membership Directories had been distributed. Melissa Nix stated that she typed them up and gave them to Cherryl Rice, membership chairman, to be distributed and that she would check with Cherryl.

Garage Sale Fundraiser – Wendy Lesikar volunteered to chair this fundraiser, she will contact the school to see when we can use the multipurpose building to have the garage sale. She will let us all know by email. We all agreed if there was some availability in March we would have it that month so as not to run into league baseball season.

The next meeting date was set for March 9th at 6:00 pm in the multipurpose building.

Jennifer Chervenka made the motion to adjourn the meeting, Cathy Bruggman 2nd the motion and Melissa Nix adjourned the meeting at 7:50 pm.

1 comment:

  1. These minutes were approved as posted on March 9, 2010 at the March PTO meeting.
