Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Meeting Minutes for January 12, 2010

** Pending Approval at next meeting **

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by President Melissa Nix. All in attendance were asked to sign in and the sign-in sheet will be attached to the minutes and kept in the Minutes binder. The agenda was passed out for everyone to review and keep. Kim Malcik made the motion to dispense the reading of the minutes and approved as posted on the PTO Blog, Anne Kohring 2nd the motion, the motion passed. Kim Malcik presented a copy of the treasurer’s report, everyone in attendance received a copy to review and keep.

Fundraising for the Spring was discussed. It was decided we would try and have the following fundraisers.

Garage Sale – the PTO will rent tables for the sale and will sell concessions. Melissa Nix will contact Cherryl Rice and ask her if she will chair this fundraiser. Further discussion regarding this fundraiser will be discussed at the next meeting.

Field Day (Elem.) T-Shirt Sales – Anne Kohring and Cathy Bruggman will chair this fundraiser and will let us know what they decide at the next meeting.

Cookbook – Melissa Nix is chairing this fundraiser and has requested recipes in the last PTO Newsletter. She will send out another notice with more information in the next few weeks.

Subway Lunches for teachers will be the 1st Friday after payday for the district. Debbie Mucha will chair this project. The next Subway lunch day will be February 5th, 2010. Melissa Nix will get all the information for this to Debbie.

A Scholarship Committee consisting of Jennifer Chervenka and Sandra Haisler will work on the criteria for these. It was suggested by the executive board, that volunteer hours for the PTO needs to be a requirement for the scholarship. Jennifer and Sandra will work on this and will report back to everyone at the next meeting.

It was discussed to do some sort of TAKS survival kits/snacks for the students during the main TAKS week starting April 27, 2010. Kim Malcik will chair this project and will be assisted by Kim Campbell. Kim Layne is the testing coordinator for the district and we will contact her to find out what is needed or what we are allowed to do. An update will be given at the next meeting.

Reading under the Stars and Math Night Projects were tabled until the next meeting. Kim Campbell made the motion and Melissa Nix 2nd. The motion passed.

The executive board had a meeting on January 6, 2010 and developed a Spring budget. This was presented to everyone present at the meeting by Melissa Nix. A copy of this will be kept in the recording secretary’s binder.

Skating Rink Rental – It was decided that PTO would rent the skating rink in Temple on two different dates in the evenings just for fun for the students. One date will be for elementary and the other would be for middle school and high school. Melissa Nix will contact the campuses and ask them to decide on a date for this since they are more aware of the school events.

Melissa Nix informed everyone that the trees that the PTO purchased and those that were donated will be delivered to the elementary school on January 13, 2010 and arrangements have been made to receive them and have them planted.

Donation Letters for CPS devices for MS/HS – Melissa Nix will place this on letterhead and email this out to everyone so that anyone wanting to try to get donations for the CPS devices can use it.

The next meeting date was scheduled for February 9th , 2010, which falls on the Bell County Fair Day Holidays for the school. Cathy Bruggman made the motion to change the meeting to February 2nd, 2010 at 6:00pm in the Carol Ann Bonds Multipurpose Building. This motion was 2nd by Melissa Nix and the motion passed.

The next meeting date will be February 2nd, 2010 at 6:00pm in the Carol Ann Bonds Multipurpose Building.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Anne Kohring and 2nd by Melissa Nix. The motion passed and President, Melissa Nix adjourned the meeting at 6:55pm.

1 comment:

  1. These minutes were approved as posted on February 2, 2010 at the February PTO meeting.
